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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The publication of articles will adhere to the following instructions:

1. All works submitted for publication should be original. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to publish articles in Spanish or in English that have previously been published in other languages. In any event, if part of the work sent for publication has been previously edited (in any language), the author should make this known to the direction of GLOSSAE.

2. Works will be sent in Word format (.docx), Times New Roman font in size 12, using single line spacing and justification to both sides of the page. One line should be left between paragraphs. Notes will be placed at the foot of the page using the same font in size 10.

3. GLOSSAE adopts ISO as its bibliographical reference system.

4. Works submitted to GLOSSAE should be adjusted to suit the following reporting standards:

4.1. Headings and, where appropriate sub-headings, in which articles are structured must be numbered:

E.g.: 1.





4.2. All main text paragraphs must start with an indentation (and so must the titles of the paragraph in bold).

4.3. Quotations or fragments of latin sources should be put in italics and without inverted commas, both in the main text and in the footnotes. If the latin text appears in the main text and comprises an autonomous paragraph, font size should be 11 (in lieu of 12).

4.4. Quotations or fragments of vernacular (non-latin) sources of an author in the main text and as an autonomous paragraph should only be placed in inverted commas, and font size should be 11 (instead of 12).

4.5. Footnotes must also start with an indentation. Equally, between the footnote and the first word of the note, there must be a space left.

4.6. All citations will be severed by commas. Example: Ejemplo: Bellomo, M., La Europa del Derecho Común, Roma, 1996, pp. 123-124.

4.7. Names of authors will be cited by surname –in lower case letter–, followed by initials.

4.8. Books will be cited in italics and articles will appear in quotation marks.


Iglesia Ferreirós, A., Historia de la traición. La traición regia en León y Castilla, Santiago de Compostela, 1971, p. 146.

Escudero, J.A., “La abolición de la Inquisición española”, Estudios sobre la Inquisición, Madrid, 2005.

López-Amo Marín, A., “El Derecho penal español de la Baja Edad Media”, Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español 26 (1956), pp. 337‑367.

Reimann, M., “The Historical School Against Codification: Savigny, Carter, and the Defeat of the New York Civil Code”, American Journal of Comparative Law 37 (1989), pp. 95-119.

Once a case study or article has been cited and you wish to cite it again, only include the author’s surname (or surnames) and the initial words of the title (in italics if it is a book; or the entire title within quotation marks if it is an article or chapter of a book). Page numbers will be indicated in its abbreviated form, in singular (p.) or in plural (pp.).


Iglesia Ferreirós, Historia de la traición, p. 213; López-Amo Marín, “El Derecho penal español de la Baja Edad Media”, p. 341; Reimann, “The Historical School Against Codification…”, p. 109.

4.9. When a translated version of a case study is used, the original version, from which the translation stems, ought to be cited (Ej. Berman, H., Diritto e rivoluzione…, Bolonia, 2007, should cite the original version, Law and Revolution, with its place of publication and year).

4.10. When a chapter of a collective case study is cited, after citing the title of the chapter, the formula ‘in’ must be avoided.  The title of the publication must be directly put instead, followed by the editor, in brackets and with the abbreviation ed. or eds., depending on whether there is one or more.


Obarrio, J. A., “Cicerón y los límites del poder”, Estado de Derecho y Derechos fundamentales ante la lucha contra el terrorismo. Una aproximación histórica y jurídico-comparada (A. Masferrer, ed.), Pamplona, Aranzadi-Thompson, 2011.

Brizzi, G. P., “La presenza studentesca nelle università italiane nella prima età moderna. Analisi delle fonti e problemi di metodo”, en G. P. Brizzi, A. Varni (eds.), L’università in Italia fra età moderna e contemporanea. Aspetti e momenti, Bologna, 1991.

4.11. Ibid. must appear in italics and it always requires a dot after it (e.g. Ibid., p. 4; instead of Ibid, p. 4).

4.12. When inverted commas are used to cite the title of a chapter of a book or an article, those commas must always follow the same format, avoiding those not curved (“”, instead of “”).

4.13. It is not appropriate to translate the cities of the publishing place (Ej. New York, instead of Nueva York; Paris, instead of París; Frankfurt am Main -or Frankfurt/M-, instead of Francfort del Meno; etc.).

4.14. When a page whatsoever is cited and the following, it must be done so: pp. 25 ss. (and not p. 25 y ss. or pp. 25 y ss.).

4.15. Articles should include a list of bibliographical references.

The expression “Apéndice bibliográfico”, at the end of each article, should appear in lower case letter, in bold, but not underlined. Furthermore, the font size of bibliographical references should be Times New Roman 10 (in lieu of 12). Finally, in references to case studies, one should not quote the exact pages used (such would not be the case if one were referencing a chapter of a case study, where the exact pages of the chapter should be named, but those of all the chapter and not only the ones cited in the respective footnote). The separation between “Apéndice bibliográfico” and its text must be of two spaces, instead of one. “Sumario” must keep a distance of two spaces with regards to the paragraph “Keywords”. Also, the aforementioned distance of two spaces should be kept between the title of the article (capital letters, bold and centred text) and the name and university of the author, as well as between the latter and the “Resumen”.

4.16. Superscript system must be the Latin one, never the Anglosaxon system.

E.g. “[…] as shown by Hans Erich Troje1, […]” and not “[…] as shown by Hans Erich Troje,1 […]”.

5. Submissions must be sent -before 31 May- through the GLOSSAE website in the dedicated section. Click on the "Submit an article" banner on the right-hand side of the page ( You will have to register. The steps are very simple and are listed in order. All requests for publication of papers must contain the following information: author's name, professional and institutional details, e-mail address and work address.

6. All works should begin with, in both Spanish and English, the initial title, a brief summary and five keywords.

7. Every contribution can be signed by one or several authors. However, they are strongly encouraged not to exceed the number of three authors, which is the criterion adopted by the majority of the quality assessment boards dealing with this kind of documents. The order in which authors shall appear will be determined on the grounds of their degree of contribution to the approach, design and elaboration of the work. 

8. Authors will state the research's funding source originating the work. Funding agencies and the respective codes associated to the research projects shall be indicated. 

9. All articles received will be submitted to an initial evaluation by the Journal’s Chief Editor. He reserves the right to reject any work that does not correspond to the GLOSSAE’s scientific field, does not comply with the Journal’s rules of publication, or whose scientific content does not reach the minimum requirements.

10. The Editorial Board will review the originality of the work through the Turnitin platform. GLOSSAE has a serious commitment against plagiarism. As soon as any case of intellectual appropiation, falsification or lack of originality is detected the paper will be automatically rejected.

11. Given we are an open access review, there are not costs for processing the author's contributions (no payment for publishing is required).

12. Selected works will subsequently be submitted to a anonymous peer review evaluation, carried out by experts outside of the Editorial Board.

13. Once accepted for publication, the Editorial Board will request that the author carry out modifications suggested by the evaluators. The final decision on publication of an article will be communicated at the end of July.

14. GLOSSAE’s publication ethics statement is based on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011):

15. GLOSSAE is a journal devoted to Legal History and, therefore, the papers submitted must address the chosen subject from a historical perspective. Thus, for example, only articles in the Roman Law tradition will be accepted, while articles strictly on Roman Law will be excluded.

16. GLOSSAE. European Journal of Legal History welcomes and publishes all sorts of news (doctoral dissertations defense, seminars, conferences, awards, honours, distinctions, appointments, retirements, obituaries or similar) related to the broad field of legal history. In this section, any person interested has a forum to disseminate information of interest to the reader of this journal. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us and send the corresponding news through the website. It is the same procedure as for the submission of articles stated in point 5.


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